Launching for News & Media

SMS breaking news is the new and most effective way to streamline breaking news and deliver media stories directly to your readers.

Here are a few best practices to keep in mind for your launch.🗞️


⏱️  Frequency: Consistent and often!

Subscribers who opt-in to receive breaking news expect their daily dose of news and media coverage directly via text to ensure they stay ahead of reports. Give them what they want by sending them news as they break!

  • Daily texts are expected; more texts as new stories break will ensure maximum engagement and consistent growth.
  • Weekday texts typically see higher engagement than weekends with best times to text usually landing around noon (12pm-3pm EST).


💡 Content Ideas: Research trending topics and news stories that affect your immediate community or people are talking about the most.

  • Sends breaking news alerts as stories break to make sure you are ahead of competitors. Add in direct CTA to any articles for immediate conversions.
  • Segment your audience using ‘tags’ and send text news directly in line with their interests, location or community.
  • Focus on bringing a personal touch to your texts by introducing yourself and signing off with your name for better subscriber engagement and experience.
  • Mix topics: mix in breaking news with more traditional news coverage on general topics to keep readers engaged.
  • Applying a visual aid (where applicable) alongside your texts tend to promote more engaged readers.

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✔️ Subscriber Acquisition: There are tons of ways to promote your channel and get your reader signed up!

Here are the basics to start:

  • Text to sign-up: The quick and seamless way to get your readers to sign up. Users can text anything into your marketing number to start the sign-up process OR we can even set up a dedicated keyword to make the process automatic.
  • Sign-up URL: Every channel has their own landing page where users can complete the sign-up process. We recommend linking these on your social bios and dropping them into pinned posts as well. You can find this link under the “Campaign” tab of your dashboard.
  • Embed Code: The number one driver of sign-ups! Embed codes live on the homepage of your website to allow new and existing readers to easily sign up on your homepage without visiting an external page.
  • SMS links: SMS links can be included in your IG stories, Reels, Tiktok’s, etc. When tapped from a mobile device, SMS links will open the users primary messaging app, with the number of the text campaign and a dedicated keyword or phrase pre-populated. All the user needs to do is hit ‘send’ to begin the sign-up process or be added automatically with a keyword implemented. Let us know if you’d like one created for you!
  • QR Codes: Scannable QR codes that work just like our SMS links, opening the users primary messaging app, with the number of the text campaign and a keyword or phrase pre-populated. These codes can be used for external promotions and marketing for seamless and quick sign-ups.
  • API: If you have a digital subscription, you can seamlessly integrate our API into your custom form, allowing you to manage new and existing digital subscribers through all facets of their subscription including payment, subscribe/unsubscribe, adding them into different segments based on location or interests, etc. Read more about our API here.

Inspiration Time ✨

 Take a look at some of the following examples for inspiration 👀


Dallas Morning News Case Study 

Screenshot 2024-06-30 at 4.16.15 PM

USA Today's Live Trial Coverage Case Study 


Screenshot 2024-06-30 at 4.21.12 PM

Promotional Examples 


Block Club Chicago

news - Block Club Chicago


Mirror US

News - Mirror US

The Texas Tribune