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Your Launch Checklist

Did you book your onboarding call with your CS manager?

If not, we HIGHLY recommend booking an onboarding call so we can make sure to guide you through all the features the platform has to offer. 

However, sometimes time is tight. We get it!

Simply refer to this launch checklist to make sure you’ve dotted your Is and crossed yours Ts before sending out your first text! 

📝 Launch checklist: 

  1. Verify that your campaign has been registered for 10DLC with your CS manager. You cannot launch your channel until this approval process has been completed. (US/Canada campaigns only)

    * 10DLC is a required registration process with network carriers that will guarantee high throughput and prevent filtering to your audience. Learn more about it here.

  2. Make sure you’ve set-up your campaign’s welcome message. This is your introduction to your subscribers and will be the first message they receive from you after they sign up. Refer to our welcome message guide here.

  3. Make sure you’ve uploaded a campaign photo to the dashboard. This photo will be a part of the contact card that is sent to your subscribers with the welcome message. (US/Canada campaigns only). *You can upload a photo by clicking on the "Campaign" tab in the dashboard. 

  4. Sign-up for your campaign. Testing out the user experience will allow you to see if there are any copy changes/tweaks you’d like to make before launch!

  5. Send a test broadcast to see what it’s like to receive a text. And text back to your channel! This will help you understand how your inbox works.

  6. Have friends/colleagues sign-up for the channel. Ask 3-5 coworkers, friends, or family to sign up to get feedback on their sign-up experience.

*While you don’t need to have a full content strategy ready by launch time, planning ahead is worth the return!

We see channels that have a pre-planned launch strategy see a greater rate of growth and engagement within the first 6 weeks of launch than those that simply launch and begin texting ad hoc.

Check out our Playbooks section for tips and inspiration for growing your channel! ✨