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Our Welcome Message Guide

You introduce yourself when meeting someone new right? Do the same thing when texting your subscribers for the first time!

What makes a good welcome message? 

A good welcome message is the love child of an elevator pitch and a social media bio: personable, but tells the audience what you are all about. It's a great way to set expectations for your channel and solidify a tone for your audience. 

Tips for an effective welcome message 🤓

  • Set Expectations: What is this texting channel about? How often will you text? Who is sending these texts? Here’s where you can set the stage for future communications. 
  • Save the Contact Card: Consider adding a line at the end of your welcome message encouraging new subscribers to save your contact card so in the future they’ll always know it’s you. 
  • Ask Questions: Feel out your audience. Incorporate questions such as “what do you want to know from me” or “what’s your name.” It’s a great ice breaker!

Your welcome message can also include "keywords" 🔡

Keywords are special words or symbols that users can text back that tag them into specific groups. You can then target these groups with more personalized content! 

Note: A keyword must exist before we add it to your welcome message.

Check out our segmentation tutorial for more details!

Inspiration 💫

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