
What is segmentation?

Segmentation is hyper-targeting smaller groups within your existing audience. This can be based on their interests, texting preferences, home city, or anything really. 

And it’s super easy to set-up!

How do I set-up a segmented broadcast?

Here’s how to do it.

Segments are based on keywords. You can only send a segmented broadcast to users who have opted-in to subscriber tags with keywords.

So, let’s start with how to create a keyword and subscriber tag first!

How to Create a Keyword 

  1. Click on New Broadcast in the top navigation bar.
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  2. Fill out your broadcast body and other optional fields in the same way you usually do.
  3. In the bottom left composer action tray, click on the "Create Tag" icon. 

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  4. A modal will then appear, with an input field to enter a new keyword tag. Existing rules for keywords still apply.

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  5.  Enter the desired word, phrase, or emoji and click Create Tag. A success banner will then appear confirming the tag creation.

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Tags can be included in the broadcast body, but they no longer need to appear in the broadcast to be successfully created.

*Tags are not case sensitive, but they do need to be sent back as a separate word with no additional punctuation in order for the tag to be applied in the system.

How do I send a segmented broadcast?

  1. Click on New Broadcast in the top navigation bar.
  2. Click the Edit Audience section of the Broadcast Composer, a modal will appear to select your audience you want to message. It should be set to All Subscribers by default.

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  3. From the dropdown, select one of the Audience Segment options. 

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  4. An input box will appear below the modal's audience you selected.  As you begin typing, a list of suggested existing subscriber tags will appear. Click the suggested tag to confirm your selection.  *You can include multiple tags.

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  5. Once you've selected your tags, you'll see them reflected in your audience to broadcast to. 

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  6. Continue to fill out your broadcast body and other optional fields. 
  7. Once you are finished, click send/save/schedule as you would a regular broadcast.