The Inbox

How do I read and respond to messages from my subscribers?

Reading messages in your Inbox

Two-way communication is a hallmark of Subtext. ✅ 

The inbox is the main spot you can read texts from your subscribers. Upon opening the Inbox tab, the default section you land in is “Unread” messages.

But you can also sort to the following categories:

  • All messages
  • Starred messages
  • Sent messages
  • Messages with attachments
  • Templates: this is where you can template out messages that you will be sending out often and can re-use. Simplify that workflow!
  • Automatic Replies: A section where you can set up auto-replies for specific keywords. More on this set-up here.

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Responding to Messages in the Inbox 

If you click into a message thread, you'll be able to see the entire messaging history between you and the subscriber. 

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From here you have a couple different options: 

  • Star a message: if you star a received message on the lefthand side of the message, you'll be able to filter to the "Starred" section later on to find only your starred messages. 
  • Customize with the kebab menu: clicking this button on the top right corner of the message will allow you to leave notes, mark the message unread, unsubscribe the user, or mute them if needed. 

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  • Send a message: You can respond directly to the subscriber at the bottom of their message thread. The same character count applies (640 characters) as well as the ability to send links and attachments. You can even pull up templates you've saved to use!

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Have additional questions? Reach out to your CS Manager for assistance!