Pre-launch and sharing your campaign

Before launching your campaign, here are a few tips to building your subscriber list

Marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. Think about your marketing for at least the first 6 weeks. 


Share on your social platforms

  • Twitter:
    • Include your Subtext number in your Twitter handle. We find that this stands out more than sharing the URL. The numbers can be found in the “Campaigns” tab of your dashboard. Theoretically, your audience could subscribe to any of those numbers, but it’s a best practice to always promote the same phone number. 
  • Instagram:
    • Hosts can share their Subtext number in their IG bios, but another thing they can do to promote sign-ups is add a “Text” button to their profiles.  Learn more here.
      Adding the button is super simple—all you need to do is: Edit profile contact options and add your phone number. 
  • Facebook:
    • Add it to your profile description under “phone number”. Share the link in a Facebook group and pin it!

Leverage the embed code:

  • Utilizing the embed code on the right rail of your website is a great way to encourage subscribers. Another strategy is embedding the sign up form in all of your article pieces. It’s a great way to encourage subscriptions. 
  • Here is our list of all the ways you can sign your audience up – via the embed code, sharing the phone number, etc.
  • Austonia also sets a great example for utilizing the full embed code—you can see it on the left hand side of their home page or embedded in lower down in this specific article.

Batch upload:

    • Have you collected numbers at events, on social media, or through any other medium? Do you have permission to contact them? We can batch upload them on the back end! Send the list over to a Subtext support team member using this template, and launch your campaign with an existing subscriber base. 
    Read our blog to see some of our best performing hosts in action, then check out some best practices on growing your audience and being a great host